Khadija Al Arkoubi, Ph.D.

Khadija Al Arkoubi headshot
Acting Chair, Department of Management

Pompea College of Business

Ph.D., New Mexico State University
Major: Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resource Management Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Counseling and Educational Psychology
Dissertation Title: Spiritual Leadership in Moroccan Business: An Ethnographic Study of Ynna Holding

M.S., University of Manchester
Major: Human Resources Management
Dissertation Title: "Organizational Change in Morocco: The case of human resource management in the Ministry of Equipment"

B.S., School of Information Sciences
Major: Information Sciences

About Khadija

Dr. Khadija Al Arkoubi, an associate professor of Management at the Pompea College of Business (University of New Haven), is deeply committed to global education, service, and research. Her unwavering dedication to these areas is evident in her academic career, which spans different institutions in the United States, the United Arab Emirates, and Morocco.

Dr. Al Arkoubi holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration, specializing in Management, from New Mexico State University (NMSU) in NM (USA) and a master’s degree in human resource management from the University of Manchester in England. Her bachelor’s degree was in Information Sciences from the School of Information Sciences in Rabat, Morocco. Earning academic degrees from different countries has increased her interest in optimizing her learning about cultures worldwide and reinforcing her interest in culturally responsive education and research.

Dr. Al Arkoubi’s multicultural background and proficiency in multiple languages, including English, Arabic, and French, have enriched her global perspective and impacted her teaching and service initiatives. She remains a dedicated advocate for inclusion, social justice, and sustainable growth locally and globally. She is a fellow of the Business Science Institute (Luxembourg), a networked international academic organization fostering learning and collaboration between more than 150 international professors and international doctoral students.

She has significantly contributed to studying spirituality, leadership, diversity and inclusion, sustainability, International Human Resource Management/Development (IHRM/IHRD), and management education. Her articles have appeared in many journals, including the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Advances in Developing Human Resources, the Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, and the Case Journal. Throughout her academic journey, she has been recognized for her dedication to education, teaching, research, and service through numerous awards and nominations. She won the Outstanding Teaching and Service Awards at the Pompea College of Business in 2016 and 2017. She was often nominated for the Leadership in Service Award and the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Award at the University level. Early in her academic career, Dr. Al Arkoubi won the second award for the most promising dissertation in Management Spirituality and Religion (MSR) provided by the MSR Division of the Academy of Management, the Award of Excellence in Research offered by the College of Business at NMSU (USA) and many prestigious highly competitive scholarships, including the British Chevening Scholarship and the International Peace Scholarship (USA). She has also won many competitive grants in multicultural education, sustainability, and open pedagogy.

Dr. Al Arkoubi has made significant contributions to the profession through her regular reviews for many quality journals, including the International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Relations, the Journal of Business Ethics, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, The Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, Organization Studies, the Human Resource Development Review and the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. Her active membership in professional organizations, such as the Academy of Management, the Eastern Academy of Management, the Academy of Human Resource Development, the Case Association, the Society for Case Research, and many others, further demonstrates her commitment to the academic community.

Additionally, she served as an external reviewer for tenure and promotion and an external examiner of many doctoral dissertations in her field. She supervised graduate and undergraduate work, including an Executive DBA dissertation, honors theses, independent studies, and research papers. Furthermore, she mentored and advised hundreds of US, UAE, and Morocco students on research, career, and coursework.

Awards and Honors
  • Excellence Award in Service, Pompea College of Business, University of New Haven (2017)
  • Excellence Award in Teaching, Pompea College of Business, University of New Haven (2016)
Published Intellectual Contributions


  • Al Arkoubi, K., Méndez-Fernández, Y. V., Gionet, P. E., & Canino, T. R. (2024). The double pandemic: diversity, equity and inclusion at Yale University School of Medicine in the era of COVID-19, The Case Journal, 20(1), 173–199.
  • Tahari, F. and Al Arkoubi, K. (2024), "We are the dreamers, we let it happen: Morocco’s soccer team leadership story," The Case Journal, 20 (3), pp. 634-669.
  • Al Arkoubi, K., & Tahari, F. (2023). Sustainable Development in Morocco: Efforts and Challenges. In F. Chevalier and M. Kalika (Ed.), "Research in Sustainability." (pp 399-413) EMS (Editions Management & Société).
  • Al Arkoubi, K. & Tahari, F. (2023). Chapitre 23. Le développement durable au Maroc : réalisations et défis. Dans : Françoise Chevalier et Michel Kalika éd., Recherches sur la Sustainability (pp. 419-433). Caen: EMS Editions.
  • Al Arkoubi, K., & Wollack-Spiller, G. (2023). The journey of career resilience among women. In J. Neal (Ed.), Handbook of personal and organizational transformation (pp. 331–346). Springer, Cham.
  • Al Arkoubi, K. (2016). Strategic Talent Management Analytics. In Gil Fried and Ceyda Mumcu (Ed.), Sports analytics: A data-driven approach to Sport, business, and management (pp. 76 - 90). New York: Routledge.
  • Mendez, M. J., Al Arkoubi, K., Cai-Hillon, Y. (2015). "Business Leadership Education: A Virtual Storytellers Exercise." Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 19(1), 31. 31-42
  • Ammon, R., Mahoney, K., Fried, G. B., Al Arkoubi, K., Finn, D. M. (2015). Roar of the Crowd: Noise-Related Safety Concerns in Sport. Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, 25(1). 10-26.
  • Finn, D. M., Ammon, R., Mahoney, K., Fried, G. B., Al Arkoubi, K. (2015). Killer Jobs: The dark side of being a physical education instructor. Strategies, 28(3). 34-39
  • Al Arkoubi, K., Davis, E. (2013). Building sustainable organizational capital: The global leadership challenge. The Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 13(9), 11-20.
  • Al Arkoubi, K., Bishop, J. & Scott, D. (2013). An investigation of the determinants of turnover intention among truck drivers in the US. Advances in Management, 6 (3): 55-61
  • Al Arkoubi, K. (2013). The Islamic Faith: Implications for Business Management. In J. Neal, (Ed.). The Handbook of Faith and Spirituality in the Workplace: Emerging Research and Practice (pp 103-118), New York: Springer
  • Dirani, K. & Al Arkoubi, K. (2011). Managerial Technology Transfer: The Middle East and North African Experience. In D. E. Laouisset, (Ed.) Managerial Technology Transfer. New York: Nova Science.
  • Boje, D. M. & Al Arkoubi, K. (2009). Critical management education beyond the siege. In S. Armstrong and C. Fukami (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Management Learning, Education and Development. London: Sage Publications.
  • Boje, D. M. & Al Arkoubi , K. (2006). Third Cybernetic Revolution: Beyond Open to Dialogic System Theories. Tamara Journal, 4 (2), 138-150
  • Cox, B., Al Arkoubi, K. & Estrada, S. (2006). National human resource development in transitioning societies in the developing world: Morocco. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 8 (1), 84-98.
  • Benson, P. G., & Al Arkoubi, K. (2006). HRM in Morocco. In Pawan S. Budhwar & Kamel Mellahi (eds), Managing human resources in the Middle East (pp 273-290), London: Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group.
  • McCourt, W. & Al Arkoubi, K. (2006). Morocco: The politics of HRM. In W. McCourt (Ed.), the human factor in governance Managing public employees in Africa and Asia (pp 96-112). New York: Palgrave MacMillan
  • Al Arkoubi, K. & McCourt, W. (2004). The Politics of HRM in the Moroccan Civil Service: Waiting for Godot. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15 (6), 978-995.
Refereed Conference Proceedings & Presentations
  • Al Arkoubi, K., Ponnuswamy, I., & Almoustafa, A. (2024, May 14). How Inclusive Leadership Fosters a Sustainable Career: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital. Providence, RI: Eastern Academy of Management.
  • Al Arkoubi, K. & Shindi, R., & Abdeljalil, A. (2024, June 15). Beyond the mirage: Integrating the Afghan refugees into the fabric of American life. In Book of Abstracts University Forum for Human Resource Development Annual Conference (pp. 60-62). Lisbon: Springer - Academy of Human Resource Development.
  • Al Arkoubi, K., Cunningham, Q., Joyner-McGraw, L. & Matos-Wood, A. (2024, July 24-26). The Hidden Battle: Post Unionization Struggles of Volkswagen Chattanooga's Workers. Accepted to be presented at the 46th Annual Society for Case Research and Global Jesuit Case Series Summer Workshop. Grand Forks, ND.
  • Al Arkoubi, K. & Kosmidou, V. (2024, June 15). Promoting Sustainable Careers in Post-COVID Workplaces. In Book of Abstracts University Forum for Human Resource Development Annual Conference (pp. 325-327) Lisbon: Springer - Academy of Human Resource Development.
  • Joyner-McGraw, L., Al Arkoubi, K., Cunningham, Q., & Matos-Wood, A. (2024, July 24-26) Overcoming Barriers to Reach the C-Suite: Vanity Bryant's Path to Executive Leadership. Accepted to be presented at the 46th Annual Society for Case Research and Global Jesuit Case Series Summer Workshop. Grand Forks, ND.
  • Lu, X., Belitzky, E., Al Arkoubi, K., & Marks, B. (2024, July 24-26). Lyft’s Press Release Typo: Clerical error or Securities Fraud? Paper accepted for presentation at the 46th Annual Society for Case Research and Global Jesuit Case Series Summer Workshop, Grand Forks, ND.
  • Al Arkoubi, K. & Tahari, F. (2024, June 17). Unveiling Moroccan Women’s Experiences in the Corporate Boards. In Book of Abstracts University Forum for Human Resource Development Annual Conference (pp. 202-203). Lisbon: Springer - Academy of Human Resource Development.
  • Perera, Y., Al Arkoubi, K., Gomez, C., & Lau, M. (2024, May). Imposters in Academia: Sensemaking of Professional Identity. Providence, RI: Eastern Academy of Management.
  • Al Arkoubi, K. & Kosmidou, V. (2024, May). In the Wonderland of Academe: Institutional Strategies for Enhancing Women’s Academic Career Resilience. Providence, RI: Eastern Academy of Management Conference.
  • Gomez, C., Lau, M., Al Arkoubi, K., Perera, Y. (2024, May 5) Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference, "Mindset and Impostor Phenomenon: A Typology and Implications," Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC), Montreal, Canada.
  • Al Arkoubi, K., (2023, December 15). The 13th Annual Quantum Storytelling Conference, "The Fall and Rise of Stories: Reclaiming True Storytelling in the Age of Turmoil," Fisk University & True Storytelling Institute, Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Al Arkoubi, K., & Tahari, F. (2023, May). Bridging the gender gap in Morocco’s corporate boardrooms. In & A. K. M. Tutino V. Santolamazza (Ed.), New outlooks for scholarly research in corporate governance (p. pp. 9–pp. 12). Virtus Interpress.
  • Al Arkoubi, K. and Tahari, F. (2023, May). Sustainable Development in Morocco: Opportunities and Challenges. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management. Towards Justice and Equity in an Unequal World. Eastern Academy of Management, Philadelphia.
  • McNelis, C., & Al Arkoubi, K. (2022, May 19). Transboundary Crises: Designing Resilient IHRM Practices to Facilitate Transcultural Crisis Management in the Global Workplace. The Fifth Global Conference of International Human Resource Management. NY, NY: Centre for International Human Resource Studies (CIHRS), Pennsylvania State University
  • Al Arkoubi, K. (2016) In AOM (Ed.), Spiritual Leadership in Morocco: An Ethnographic Study of Ynna Holding (abstract). Anaheim, CA: Academy of Management Proceedings.
  • Al Arkoubi, K., Sc Moi conference, "Care to Care: Developing Workplace Compassion through Storytelling," Alexandria, Virginia, USA. (April 2013).
  • Al Arkoubi, K., The Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, "The Power of Critical Storytelling in Management Education," The Academy of International Business, US Northeast Chapter, Fairfield, Connecticut. (October 2012).
  • Al Arkoubi, K., Academy of Management Conference, "Fundamentalism at work," Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. (August 2012).
  • Al Arkoubi, K., Academy of Management Conference, "Spiritual Leadership: Uncovering the Journey of Growth of a Moroccan Leader," Academy of Management Conference, San Anthonio, Texas. (August 2011).
  • Al Arkoubi, K., The Equal Opportunities International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, "Teaching diversity in a diverse country: The case of the UAE," The Equal Opportunities International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. (July 2009).
  • Al Arkoubi, K., Al Arkoubi, S., The Standing Conference of Management Science (Sc Moi), "Moroccan women and issues related to identity," The Standing Conference of Management Science and Organizational Inquiry (ScMoi), Las Vegas, Nevada. (November 2007).
  • Al Arkoubi, K., Academy of Management Conference, "Spiritual leadership and identity in Moroccan business: An Ethnographic Study of Ynna Holding.," the Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. (August 2007).
Courses Taught


  • MGMT 6625 Knowledge Management
  • MGMT 6645 Management of Human Resources
  • MGMT 6663 Leadership and Team building
  • MGMT 6667 Multicultural Issues in the Workplace
  • MGMT 6694 Internship
  • MGMT 6695 Independent Study
  • MGMT 2210 Management & Organization
  • MGMT 3331 Management of Human Resources
  • MGMT 3350 Management of Workforce Diversity
  • MGMT 4410 Human Resource Development
  • MGMT 4450 Talent Management
  • MGMT 4520 Current Issues Human Resource Management
  • MGMT 4593 Honors Thesis
  • MGMT 4598 Internship
  • MGMT 4599 Independent Study


  • Guest Lecture

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